PinoyMLMer has Moved!

Hi there!

I had a nice surprise last week from my fiance when she sent me a gift of my own pinoymlmer domain name. 🙂

I’ve actually been toying with the idea of hosting my own blog site soon and I guess soon came earlier than expected. And so I’d like to annouce that beginning today all new post on my blog will be made at my new blog site

I’d like to thank you personally for visiting this blog site and I’m sure that you will find more and greater resources in my new blog site. It’s been an excting activity for me to keep on posting new learnings I have regarding the MLM business.

It’s still a little bit on the works but I’m sure you will enjoy the additional resources that I would place there. You could still visit this site anyway as I will not remove the posts I made here but I’m sure to move the best posts I have here to my new site so that many more can benefit from the training and resources that are available here.

Would appreciate you leaving your comments on my new site

Thank you and God bless!

See you on my new blog… 🙂

Why it is Important to Choose the Right Team

I wanted to share this video to you today where I talk about the Importance of Choosing the Right Team before your even join an MLM business.

On thing is very certain, you can’t achieve success in this business alone! You have to be part of a team that can support you in this business. And as much as you are picky in choosing the right company, the right compensation plan, the right product, you have to be equally picky in choosing the right team to join.

Watch the video here.

Make Your Own Lead Page Template

I’ve got a free video for you today!

I’ve been playing around with Microsoft Expression Web for a while to create my own website and I’d like to show you a little bit of how I got started creating the templates that I use for my lead page. Hope you enjoy this!


If you want to know more about creating lead pages I’m offering a special course to subscribers of my Master Online Networker 7-day Training Bootcamp. You can register for free here

Know Why it is Absolutely Important to Build Your List?

Are you building your MLM list or are you still stuck with your 100 namelist, referrals, and purchased leads that your uplines often ask you to do?

Hear me on this!

“If you are not building your list today you are THROWING AWAY your chance of making it really big FAST in your MLM business!”

Do away with your biases for the moment or even your skepticism and HONESTLY ask yourself this question.

Which is a better prospect for your business, someone you try to invite to your MLM business or someone who asks you to show them your business?

I don’t know about you but I value my time so much that I wouldn’t want to spend even just a short amount of time trying to convince someone to look at my business if I can make them ask me to show it to them.

Do you want to know how I do that?


Traditional methods of building an MLM business will tell you to make a list of friends and family or call from a list of potential prospects which is probably what you have been doing.

Unfortunately that is the MOST INEFFECTIVE way to build your MLM business.

Answer yourself these questions.

Who among them told you they are interested in your business before you even invite them? Chances are none!

Who among them can you count on to at least exhibit a real passion to build an MLM business like you do? A handful perhaps.

How much time are you spending inviting them to your business meetings compared to the results you are getting?

I didn’t say its WRONG its just simply INEFFECTIVE! It’s just like traveling 100kms with a bicycle compared to driving a car. Still works but too much effort for the same results.

If you want to DRIVE FAST to your success in MLM you have to start building your LIST using the Internet!

And this is no ordinary list. It is essentially a list of prospects that have already signified to you that they are interested in your business. And they are asking you to show them you opportunity!

How’s that for a lead?

Let me give you several reasons why this is so VALUABLE for your MLM business!

  1. 1. The people in your list are already serious business seekers which makes them a targeted market.
  2. These are people who have already signified that they are willing to listen to what you have to offer so they are a captive audience.
  3. You can still constantly market to these people even if they do not join your business.
  4. Since your list is an email list you can market and communicate with them for free for as long as they are interested in what you have to offer.
  5. You can use technology to sort through your opt-in list to find the highly qualified prospects.
  6. You can market other related opportunities aside from your MLM business to your list and still profit from them. And you do it with just a single email.
  7. You can easily project yourself to your list as a leader they are willing to trust and to listen to which makes it easy for them to join you in your business.

Do you now realize the value of this? And can you imagine what you are missing by being stuck with friends and family can cold calling?

Here’s a resource that can get you started immediately


Learn how to build your MLM business online! Get your FREE training here

MLM Lead Page Quickstart Guide

Finally its here!

As mentioned in my previous posts, I’m launching my newest product that is part of the Master Online Networker Training Series.


This training will teach you step-by-step on how to get your first MLM Lead Page up and running in a very short period of time. This includes a 35-page Ebook and almost 1-hour training video to guide you in setting-up your firstlead page.

If you have subscribed to my Master Online Networker FREE 7-day Bootcamp Training then you would understand that the ONLY way to succeed in building your MLM business using the internet is to start generating your own list of targeted prospect that you can market your opportunity to anytime.

This training will teach just how that is done.

For a LIMITED TIME I am offering you this product at a special INTRODUCTORY RATE. So head on to this site and see for yourself what this product can do for your MLM success!

If you want an even better deal. Subscribe to my 7-day bootcamp training and you can get this same product at an even more special rate.

The Three Stages of Life

I remember this funny story told to me by a friend of mine several years ago.

It is said that there are essentially three stages in a persons life.

Stage 1 is when you have a lot of time, a lot of strength, but no money!

Stage 2 is when you have a lot of strength, a lot of money, but no time!

Stage 3 is when you have a lot of time, a lot of money, but no more strength!

Now I don’t think this works for most people anymore especially stage 2 and 3.

For many people Stage 2 looks more like you have a lot of strength, no money and no time. And Stage 3 is even worse a lot of time, no money and no strength!

Sad but true!

That is why at this point in my life I decided I want to make that change! I wanted my Stage 2 to be a lot of strength, a lot of money, and a lot of time and Stage 3 a lot of strength, a lot of money to give, and a lot of time to share!

They say 2009 will be a difficult year! Yes it will be difficult for the employed because a lot of companies will have to lay-off employees and the ones who will be left with a job will do more work than they used to. And already I know a lot of companies heading in that direction.

But 2009 is a good year for the home-based business owners! Why? Because when people lose a job they look for a business and a perfect business that fits their capital is simply a home based business!

If you are not starting a home based business now then you might be missing a great opportunity in the market. Truly people who can position quickly now will make a huge killing out of this global recession that is going on.

And I’ve got a PERFECT home based business that might just help you make that killing! Check it out here

You can be part of a ONLINE TEAM that can build this business from within your home and within your budget!

Let me know


Are you sick and tired of building your MLM business? Then you might just be doing it wrong! Learn why most people who build an MLM business got it all WRONG!

Happy New Year!

Wow time flies so fast and we are now on our 5th day of the year. For many this marks the start of work again and the end of a very long holiday season!

I didn’t have much of a holiday really, because I was busy preparing some stuff for my business this year but nonetheless I was able to spend a few days to reflect on the past year and write down my goals for this year. I’d like to share them with you

  1. Get Married in October! – The most exciting thing for me this year!
  2. Take a tour of Europe with my wife to be.
  3. Buy our first house.
  4. Generate full-time income with my new MLM Opportunity within 6 months!
  5. Launch two new online products for my Master Online Networker Course
  6. Start my PhD dissertation.
  7. Make the volunteer ministry I support turn a profit this year.

I’ve got a very exciting year ahead and a lot of major changes too in my state of life which I have really prayed for last year and finally things look very very promising this year.

How about you have you taken time to write your goals? If you haven’t I suggest you spend time to write one. It’s just so powerful to see your written goals come to life.

But let me take this time to thank you for the past year and I’d like to wish you a very wonderful year ahead.

There’s a lot in store this year that I’d be sharing with you.

For starters I’ll be launching a new product this month that will definitely help you jumpstart your online MLM building skills.

And then of course I’d like to share with you the new MLM company that will be launching this January in the Philippines which I am proud to have partnered with industry experts in Internet Marketing, the owners of so that we can work together to create a new breed of network marketers who will specialize in the online MLM building strategies I have been teaching in the Master Online Networker Course.

Plus a lot more. It’s going to be an exciting year ahead.

Happy New Year friend and God bless you and your family always!

If you want to take part and join our online team in this new MLM company that is launching in the Philippines click here and watch our opportunity.

An Important Christmas Message!

Photo by Charlie AquinoJust wanted to greet you all a Merry Christmas and may God continue to bless you and your family more and more.

There is actually a special Christmas offer that I want to show you today that has really been getting me excited over the last couple of weeks already.

In January 19, 2009 a 16 year old US based MLM company will be launching in the Philippines shores and a lot of network marketers are already joining in this ground floor business opportunity.

But I know for a fact that most of the people joining in will continue to build this MLM business using the old traditional way of calling friends and family and attending numerous business meetings.

For me however, I have teamed up with the owners of, Mr. Jedi Dancel and Dr. Noel Martin Bautista and together we formed a team in this company that will focus our marketing efforts primarily on the online methods that I have been teaching you over the last couple of months.

Jedi and Dr. Noel are experts in the internet marketing scene starting their online career way back in the late 1990’s. They have been responsible in making the number one Car Portal in the Philippines generating more than 500,000 page views every month.

Today we are looking for network marketers who wants to join and work with us in the team. And being a follower of my blog I am offering you this invitation to join us in our opportunity and our team so that you can learn and experience success in MLM.

We have prepared a guided tour to our opportunity in this website.

Visit it and watch the videos and let me know if you are interested in joining us in the team.

The company is still on the pre-launch stage where we simply lock in your position in the organization once you pre-enroll. Actual payments will be done only after the launch in Jan 19.

A lot of people are joining our team already and it’s possible that we cannot accommodate everyone during the pre-launch stage. But we don’t want you to be left behind. So here is the link to the guided tour again and let us know your decision immediately.

There is NO OTHER TEAM in USANA or in any other MLM in the Philippines that works to build an MLM business like we do.

Make no mistake, the methods I teach in the Master Online Networker Training is going to change the way MLM will be done in the future. And you don’t have to learn it alone. Be among the first who will learn this method with a team that fully BELIEVES and USES these methods.

Tell us if you are interested to join and let’s build your MLM business together.

Have a Merry Christmas and God bless!

6 Ways to Increase Conversions on Your Lead Page

This is a nice audio training available from online copywriter and site optimization expert Nick Usborne from where he discusses about 6 ways to increase conversion rate of your lead page.


The tips are really very important when you start designing your lead page. Let me know what you think about this audio training.

Understand why it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that you create your own lead page to build your MLM business online by getting your FREE 7-day bootcamp training at

8 Values of Network Marketing Part 5 by Robert Kiyosaki

Okay here is the fifth and last installment of the audio training by Robert Kiyosaki on the 8 Values of the Network Marketing.

This is really powerful training!

Here are some highlights from the audio:

The retirement of the entrepreneur is no longer the company’s responsibility it is now the employee’s responsibility!

After you jumped off the fence you will soon find out that there are resources out there to help you!

Listen to the audio recording here.

Stop sitting on the fence and jump. Discover the secrets Network Marketers use to build an excessive downline organization from within the comfort of their homes. Get you FREE training here